Vinted Go Terms and Conditions

1. General provisions

These Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) specify the rules and conditions for the performance and use of the parcel delivery as described below provided by Vinted Go, UAB, located at Svitrigailos str. 13, 03228 Vilnius, Lithuania, registered under number 305959706 with the Company Registry of the Republic of Lithuania (“Vinted Go”).

Besides the present Terms, the relationships between parties are governed by the applicable mandatory provisions of law. In addition, the Recipient and the Sender are informed about the processing of their personal data in the Vinted Go Privacy Policy for Delivery Services.

If amendments are made to the legislation and any provision of the present Terms becomes partially or totally invalid, the remaining Terms will remain in force.

2. Definitions

Concepts used in the Terms are defined as follows:

City Hub is a permanent place of activity of Vinted Go where Parcels collected from Drop-off and pick-up locations are temporarily directed for sorting and expedited from for further shipping processes and where the claimed Parcel may be handed over when the Parcel is not picked up at the place of destination.

Client is a legal person who orders Delivery Services from Vinted Go and enables the purchasing of the Labels directly through its web-based software.

Delivery Services are the arrangement of Parcel transportation services provided by VintedGo, which allows the Sender to send the Parcel through Vinted Go Drop-off locations  network to the selected destination of the Recipient.  

Drop-off and pick-up location is a network of Lockers and Relais Vinted Go where the Sender may send the Parcel, and respectively Recipient collect the Parcel.

Force Majeure is an event beyond the control of Vinted Go which could not reasonably be foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract and the effects of which cannot be avoided by appropriate measures, prevents Vinted Go from performing its obligations. 

Items means the goods contained in the Parcel during the provision of the Delivery Services. 

Label is a document that is attached to the Parcel, containing information on the pick-up location country and the code of the pick-up warehouse.

Locker is a device with fixed location, which allows it to accept Parcels from the Sender and issue them to the Recipient.

Parcel is an Item identified with the Label and addressed in the final form in which it is to be carried using Delivery services. 

Parcel Arrival Notification is a notification sent to the Recipient on arrival of the Parcel. The Parcel Arrival Notification shall be delivered to the Recipient’s mobile telephone number and/or to his/her email address. 

PIN code is a combination of digits and letters contained in the Parcel Arrival Notification, which opens the door of the cabinet of the Locker containing the Parcel.

Recipient is the person to whom the Parcel is to be delivered to. 

Sender is the person who is responsible for the contents of the Parcel, and on behalf of whom and in whose name the Parcel is transferred to Vinted Go for delivery to the Recipient.

Size XS is the size on the basis of which a postage is calculated, the maximum dimensions of which are H: 80mm x W: 175mm x D: 380mm, but not smaller than the minimum measurements of H: 10mm x W: 90mm x D: 130mm with the real weight not exceeding 15 kg.

Size S is the size on the basis of which a postage is calculated, the maximum dimensions of which are H: 80mm x W: 300mm x D: 380mm, with the real weight not exceeding 15 kg.

Size M is the size on the basis of which a postage is calculated, the maximum dimensions of which are H: 180mm x W: 300mm x D: 380 mm, with the real weight not exceeding 15 kg.

Relais Vinted Go is a third-party pick-up and drop-off service provider with which Vinted Go has contracted to perform the Delivery for the Client ​​as described in these Terms.

business days within the context of the present Terms are all the days of the week except for Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

3. Terms of Service

3.1. By using the Delivery Services, the Sender and the Recipient expressly accept the present Terms and their application to the Delivery Services.

3.2. The Delivery Services can be provided only to the Senders who have ordered the Delivery Services through the Client. 

3.3. Each time when using the Delivery services, the Sender must follow the present Terms and the rules on packaging indicated in Article 4.1.

4. Packaging conditions and prohibited items

4.1. The Sender shall properly package the Item and select the appropriate packaging for the Parcel as either Size XS, Size S or Size M following the packaging and labeling rules provided below:

4.1.1. Following dimension and weight requirements: the package cannot exceed XS, S and M size dimensions and weight requirements stipulated in Article 2.

4.1.2 Proper fitting: to avoid the item moving inside the parcel and getting damaged during transit, the selected packaging should be adapted to the item’s size. Make sure any empty spaces are filled and that the item is secured into place.

4.1.3. Robust packaging: the item should be packaged so as to resist dirt, moisture and damage during shipping & handling - select sturdy packaging and make sure the item is well wrapped.

4.1.4. Well-sealed packaging: the selected packaging should be properly sealed and secure to prevent any rips, tears or openings during shipping & handling.

4.1.5. Properly labeled packaging: the selected packaging should be large enough for the A6 label to be stuck on a flat surface, the bar code should be easily readable and not covered by any tape or other parts of the packaging. When re-using a box or shipping bag, make sure any old bar codes have been properly removed.

4.1.6. Shipping fragile items: take extra care when shipping fragile items - make sure the item is safely wrapped inside the parcel/shipping bag to avoid any damage during shipping & handling.

4.2. The Sender accepts full responsibility for proper packaging of the Parcel. The Sender accepts that in the event of not following the packaging and labeling rules stated in the Article 4.1., the Parcel will not be accepted at the Drop-off and pick-up location and not taken over for Delivery. In such cases the Sender and the Recipient shall not be compensated for any direct or indirect damages.

4.3.  It is prohibited to place a Parcel in the Locker if its packaging must be crushed for it to fit in the Locker’s cabinet designed for Parcels of the chosen size.

4.4. It is prohibited to send the following: 

  • narcotic and psychotropic substances;
  • deactivated decontaminated explosive devices, firearms, military ammunition (including grenades, projectiles, ammunition, etc.), air rifles, any replicas and imitations of explosive devices or firearms, sharp objects without special packaging;
  • explosives (such as airbags), flammable, radioactive, poisonous, toxic, infectious, corrosive, oxidizing and other hazardous substances;
  • spontaneously flammable substances, substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases, oxidizing agents, organic peroxides, toxic substances, infectious substances, radioactive materials, corrosive substances;
  • matches, lighters, magnets, lithium metal or lithium ion batteries or appliances containing such batteries;
  • Items with insulting or obscene inscriptions or images;
  • Items the importation and use of which is prohibited in the country of destination;
  • live animals, plants and biologically active substances
  • perishable foodstuff;
  • aerosols of all kinds;
  • other Items that are prohibited to be sent in accordance with the laws of France;
  • coins, banknotes, checks or any bearer securities, travelers' checks, platinum, gold or silver, whether or not worked, precious stones, jewelry and other valuables may be sent only in valued consignments and only to the countries in which such articles are admitted;
  • frost sensitive materials;
  • parcels or materials that, due to their nature or packaging, may contaminate or damage other shipments or handling equipment;
  • it is forbidden to send products in aerosol containers;
  • other miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles or items that do not comply with applicable laws.

4.5. The Sender shall accept full responsibility for the contents of the Parcel sent, its correspondence to the requirements under these Terms and legal acts and shall compensate any expenses of the Parcel delivery breaching the requirements of prohibited Items incurred by Vinted Go (including any fines imposed on VintedGo).

4.6. Vinted Go throughout the Parcel delivery, after determining that the Parcel contains prohibited Items, shall have a right to demand a refund or any compensation of expenses or damage, undertake the following actions:

4.6.1. destroy the Parcel;

4.6.2. perform other actions that are necessary to reduce (eliminate) the risk related to the contents of the delivered Parcel.

4.7 Vinted Go shall not accept or be responsible for Items for carriage or storage and will not be responsible for any Parcels that contain the prohibited items named under these Terms and Conditions.

5. Delivery and return of the Parcel

5.1. The Sender may choose to print out the Label at home or at the Drop-off and pick-up location.

5.2. The Sender, before the hand-over the Parcel for the Delivery, must attach the Label onto the Parcel. The Label must be properly attached, legible, undamaged, not covered by packaging.

5.3. Vinted Go will make every effort to ensure that Parcels are delivered to the Pick-up location within 3 (three) to 6 (six) business days from the moment of their placement in the drop-off location. 

5.4. Until the Parcel is picked up by the Recipient, it belongs to the Sender, who is responsible for the contents of the Parcel. Where technically feasible, Vinted Go may provide Parcel tracking updates. These updates may be provided on a dedicated website or, at Vinted Go's discretion, by other means.

5.5. The Parcel is considered delivered and transferred to the Recipient (or, in case the Parcel should be returned, the Sender) at the moment the Recipient (or, in case the Parcel should be returned, the Sender) enters PIN and opens the door of the Locker  (in the case of an automated delivery) or the handover of the Parcel to the Recipient by the Relais Vinted Go is confirmed in the VintedGo system. 

5.6. When accepting the Parcel at the Pick-up location the Recipient must inspect the condition of the Parcel. If the Parcel is damaged, the Recipient must remove the damaged Parcel , immediately take a photo  and file the complaint following the process identified by the Client. The Recipient cannot reopen the Locker or hand-over the Parcel to Relais Vinted Go. 

5.7. The Recipient is identified by the PIN code which is sent to the Recipient by the mobile telephone number and/or his/her email address as soon as the Parcel is placed in the Locker. After typing in the PIN code, the Locker will open the door of the cabinet where the Parcel is located. At the Relais Vinted Go the Recipient will be identified by telling the PIN to the Relais Vinted Go. 

5.8. Repeat notification will be sent to the Recipient after 3 (three) days after the arrival of the Parcel at the Pick-up location. 

5.9. The storage time of the Parcel is 7 (seven) calendar days from the moment of their placement in the Pick-up location. If, within 7 (seven) calendar days, the Parcel is not retrieved from the Pick-up location, the Parcel will be sent back to the Sender. The Parcel will be returned to the Drop-off location originally used by the Sender to drop off the Parcel.

5.10. If the Sender does not collect the returned Parcel within 7 (seven) calendar days from the moment of their placement in the Drop-off location originally used by the Sender, the Parcel will be taken from the Drop-off location to the City Hub and stored for 15 (fifteen) calendar days, and the Sender will be informed by Vinted Go. The Sender may collect the returned parcel by contacting [email protected] to arrange the pick-up of the Parcel from the City Hub. If within 15 (fifteen) days the Sender fails to collect the Parcel, the Parcel is considered as abandoned and Vinted Go will be considered as the owner of the Parcel and its content. Vinted Go is free to dispose of the Parcels, including by way of donation to  the organizations of its choice.

5.11. The Parcel can be redirected to another Pick-up location chosen by Vinted Go in case the Parcel does not fit into the Locker, original Pick-up location is full, not working or shall close in less than Parcel's storage time set in Article 5.9.

6. Resolution of complaints and liability for damages

6.1.  Within the limits set forth in Article 6.3, Vinted Go will be liable to the Client for any loss or material damage caused to a Parcel while it is being delivered and liable in the case of non-delivery, except:

6.1.1. possible damages caused by fluctuations in temperature; 

6.1.2. Parcels that contain prohibited Items as indicated in the Terms; 

6.1.3. inadequate packaging by the Sender;

6.1.4. Parcels that are seized in accordance with applicable law;

6.1.5. returned Parcels that have not been collected by the Sender within 15 (fifteen) days from the day after the Parcels has been transferred to the City Hub, in accordance with Article 5.10 of these Terms;

6.1.6. loss or damage in the case of Force Majeure.

6.2. ​ Vinted Go is responsible for the loss and damage of the Parcel from the moment the Parcel is placed by the Sender into the Drop-off location until the Parcel is delivered to the Recipient or the Sender (in case the Parcel should be returned to the Sender).

6.3. In case of loss or damage of the Parcel by Vinted Go will compensate such loss or damage on the basis of 23 (twenty three) euros per kilogram of the Item capped at the value of the Item and in any event with the absolute limit of 500 (five hundred) Euros total per Parcel. 

6.4. Claims for lost and damaged Parcels to Vinted Go are made by the Client.

6.5. Non-pecuniary damage and indirect damage, including lost profits, are not compensated.

7. Inspection and storage rights

7.1. Vinted Go has the right to open the Parcel to avert possible physical danger arising from the Parcels to persons or Items and where the law otherwise requires Vinted Go to open.

7.2. Vinted Go has a right to repackage the Parcel in case it does not meet Packaging requirements stipulated in Article 4.1.

7.3.  Vinted Go will act in accordance with the applicable laws to handle the Parcels that have been abandoned as per Article 5.10 and the Items contained therein. 

8. Personal Data Protection

8.1. Vinted Go Privacy Policy for Delivery Services describes the personal data collected by Vinted Go and the purposes for which Vinted Go processes such data in relation to its delivery services. The Privacy Policy and any parts of it are not meant as contractual clauses and do not become part of these Terms.

8.2. The Client and the Recipient are responsible for providing Vinted Go with accurate data. When the data changes, the Client and/or the Recipient shall notify those changes to Vinted Go without undue delay.

9. Amendments to the Terms

9.1. Vinted Go may update these Terms as required.

9.2. Any changes to the laws and regulations referred to in the Terms shall be applied directly.